Choosing a quality mattress in the bedroom is a very interesting and serious activity. When buying it is important to consider many nuances in order to choose the option that will help not just "wait out" the night in bed, but also perfectly relax and gain strength. Not every mattress can guarantee the full relaxation of the body, so we recommend to pay attention to the orthopedic models with mattress covers made of "breathing materials", which are comfortable to use and have a long service life.
In order not to be confused among the huge choice of mattresses in modern stores, it is worth adhering to the following rules:
for a double bed you must buy one mattress, the option of connecting two single models is better to discard immediately. Because a gap is formed between the two mattresses, unpleasant feelings and pain in the back are guaranteed after a long rest;
allergy sufferers are better to buy models with a high level of air permeability and hypoallergenicity. By the way such models are quite easy to care for and have an aesthetic appearance;
one of the most important parameters for the selection of mattresses is its stiffness. A too hard surface threatens the wrong distribution of stress and the occurrence of pain in the back and shoulders. A too soft mattress — will not let the muscles relax, and you simply do not get the proper rest. Therefore the best option is an orthopedic mattress with memory foam function;

it is also necessary to pay special attention to the mattress's upholstery because its quality directly affects the appearance of the product and the comfort of using it. The highest rates have dense calico and jacquard fabrics;
it is not necessary to choose spring models with dependent system, the best option would be to buy a mattress with springs, where each has its own cover. Autonomous design adjusts to the body, thereby providing a complete rest;
for those who are very important that the surface to sleep was as flat as possible, the springless models are ideal. These mattresses are made from layering of different materials of different density and can provide a comfortable sleeping position for people of any build;
if the owners of the mattress have a significant difference in weight, in such cases, you can look for models with two "bands" of hardness. This will ensure a great rest for two people in any situation.

A mattress is an important purchase, on which your sleep and overall well-being after rest will depend. Therefore, the choice of a surface for sleeping should be approached wisely and with an understanding of what you need specifically. We hope that our article will help you with this choice!